Director General
Director General administers COBORU with the assistance of three deputy directors.

tel. 61 28 523 41,

Prof. dr hab. Henryk Bujak Henryk Bujak – professor of agricultural science. Graduate of the Agricultural University in Wrocław (currently Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences), where the path of his scientific development proceeded from assistant to professor. For many years head of the Department of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production (2006-2018) at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, in 2018-2021 director of the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute, seated at Radzików. Member of the Consultative Council of the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, National and Silesian Post-registration Variety Testing System (PDO), Commission for Registration of Cereal Cultivars, Commission for Registration of Maize Cultivars, Scientific Council of the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute and the Team for Awards at the Prime Minister of Poland. Tutor for many generations of students. In research activity, focussed on the analysis of inheritance of quantitative characters in crops, having elaborated a concept of using the xenia phenomenon in breeding rye hybrid cultivars, which can be of significant importance in reduction of breeding costs since the proposed formula of a hybrid does not require the sterilizing cytoplasm.

Subsequently, his scientific endeavour concentrated on the employment of multi-character analysis for evaluation and selection of breeding material. For this purpose, he employed, among others, selection indices, verifying them on cereal and maize materials, and also created his own selection index.

A large part of his scientific achievements comprises the results of genotype-environment interaction analyses for different varieties of cultivated plants and determination of their yield stability. His application of appropriate statistical standards and creation of own index for determination of yield stability have facilitated the choice of cultivars with wide or narrow adaptation to defined edaphic-climatic conditions.

Recently engaged in the search for effective genes of resistance to the powdery mildew and brown rust as well as in elaboration of their molecular markers, which could be of wide use in the selection of initial material for rye breeding.

Author of numerous scientific and popular science publications pertaining to the genetics of quantitative features, cultivated plants breeding and seed production.
    National Listing and PBR Protection Office
The National Listing and PBR Protection Office is responsible for all factual, formal and documental matters related to the applications for addition to the National List as well as applications for the national PBR protection, i.e.:
  • keeping the national list of varieties (NLI),
  • keeping the register of varieties protected by Plant Breeders' Rights (PBR),
  • keeping the documentation of varieties applied for NLI and PBR,
  • co-operation with the Planning of Experiments and Coordination of Post-Registration Trials Department, in the range of planning of testing and trials, with the varieties applied for NLI and PBR,
  • co-operation with the DUS Testing Department in the range of DUS testing,
  • co-operation with the VCU Assessment Department in the range of VCU examination,
  • notifying the breeders and breeder's representatives (agents) of variety acceptance for the official examinations,
  • coordination of the activities of the DUS Testing Department and the VCU Assessment Department, in the range of recommending of registration suggestions on the variety release committees; technical attendance of the variety release committees,
  • issuing of the relevant decisions concerning variety listing and granting of PBR protection,
  • sending to the breeders the final reports on technical examinations,
  • preparation of data for publication of the COBORU Official Gazette as well as for the national lists of varieties of agricultural, vegetable and fruit plants,
  • co-operation with the European Commission,
  • co-operation with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV),
  • co-operation with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO),
  • notifying the European Commission and Member States of all matters related to national listing,
  • delivering of the materials resulting from the work of the Office for publication on our website,
  • issuing of the decisions on grant of authorization to place on the market of seed intended for tests and trials purposes belonging to varieties of agricultural and vegetable plant species, accepted for the official testing,
  • notifying the European Commission and Member States of all applications and grants of authorizations to place on the market variety seed material intended for tests and trials purposes.
    IT Department
The main tasks of the Department are the following:
  • conducting of works concerning development, maintaining and administration of the data bases,
  • management of the infrastructure and securing of the computer network safety,
  • projects, programming and maintaining of the informatics systems, programs and procedures enabling access to data and their processing,
  • entering of the systems and programs into operation,
  • securing of the data safety,
  • conducting of works concerning development of the adoption of informatics in the variety assessment,
  • creation, updating and publication of the COBORU website,
  • realization of the purchase of the data processing equipment.
    The Legal and Human Resources Office
The Legal and Human Resources Office provides the legal services for COBORU, in accordance with currently legal regulations, and is responsible for the employment of employees for COBORU’s Headquarters as well as the employment of directors of its structural units – experimental stations hereinafter called “SDOO”.
There are three sections within the Legal and Human Resources Office, which are responsible for the performance of entrusted tasks in the following areas:

a) attorneys-at-law section – in terms of:
  • issuing the legal opinions on matters submitted by the COBORU’s Director
  • providing legal advice and explanations on the application of national and community law in the entity
  • issuing opinions for the COBORU’s management on changes in the applicable legal provisions and on potential infringements of the law as well as consequences of such infringements
  • participation in assignments (projects) aimed at concluding, amending or terminating agreements of complicated nature by COBORU
  • legal supervision over the enforcement of COBOR’s receiveabilities
  • advising on drafts of national and community legal acts concerning the activities of COBORU
  • representation in judicial and administrative proceedings as legal representative of the COBORU’s Director
  • assessment of the contracts and agreements concluded by COBORU’s Director in respect of legal and formal requirements
  • cooperation and legal assistance for the SDOO Directors
  • drafting and legal assessment of the internal acts and regulations in cooperation with COBORU’s organizational units
  • legal supervision over powers of attorney and other authorizations granted by the COBORU Director
  • legal supervision over HR matters, complaints, applications, petitions, public information and internal audit conducted in the unit;
b) organisational section – in terms of:
  • drafting the powers of attorney and other authorizations granted by the COBORU’s Director at the request of the organizational units of COBORU
  • administration and registration of orders/instructions and decisions of the COBORU’s Director
  • conducting the recruitment for COBORU’s Deputy Directors, SDOO’s Directors and employees of COBORU’s Headquarters
  • performing the self-assessment of the management control and gathering the data necessary for drafting the statement of COBORU’s Director on the management control in the unit
  • keeping the records of inspections carried out by external bodies at the COBORU’s Headquarters
  • coordination of cooperation with DPO (being the external service provider) in respect of personal data protection
  • considering and examination of complaints, applications and petitions filed with the COBORU’s Headquarters
  • editing the section "legal basis", "statutory tasks", "organizational structure" on the COBORU website
  • drafting and monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption policy in COBORU
  • coordination of the management control in COBORU
  • coordination of the internal audit consisting of: drafting the annual audit plan and the annual internal audit report, in the cooperation with internal auditor; conducting the internal controls in SDOO in respect of the matters within the scope of the Office
  • organization of trainings for the employees of COBORU’s Headquarters
  • making purchases of goods and services necessary for performing the tasks entrusted to Legal and Human Resources Office;
c) human resource section – in terms of:
  • drafting the documents related to the employment of employees at COBORU’s Headquarters and employment of SDOO’s Directors
  • keeping the employee's personal record in regard to the employees of COBORU’s Headquarters and SDOO’s Directors
  • recordkeeping of hours worked by employees
  • drafting the employment certificates
  • considerng and dealing with all matters falling with human resourse management policy
  • drafting reports and analyses on personnel matters, including the remuneration policy for employees of the COBORU’s Headquarters and SDOO’s Directors
  • participation in advertising employees in the event of the national security and war threat
  • coordination and drafting the applications for national awards and medals and other distinctions for COBORU’s employees
  • supervision and operation of the HR system.
    Planning of Experimental Affairs and Cooperation Office
The Planning of Experimental Affairs and Cooperation Office is responsible for organization of the international cooperation, mostly in the range of experience exchanging on the listing system and PBR protection system as well as the methods of the official examinations. The main tasks of the Department are the following:
  • organization and coordination of the international cooperation of COBORU with the organizations and institutions dealing with national listing and PBR protection of plant varieties,
  • coordination of the international cooperation of all COBORU organizational units,
  • organization of the visits of foreign guests,
  • exchanging of the publications with institutions, organizations and other foreign clients as well as keeping of the records of these publications,
  • cooperation with the listing authorities from outside EU,
  • informing of the foreign breeders on national listing and granting of national protection rules and procedure,
  • preparation and realization of the foreign travelling plan of the variety assessment staff,
  • coordination of the preliminary trials realization.
    Independent Post for the Coordination of the COBORU Protein Initiative and Biodiversity
Deals with matters related to the organization and coordination of variety trials with protein crops, with particular emphasis on soybeans, as well as on expanding plant biodiversity and testing varieties for organic farming
    Deputy Director General for Experimental Affairs
The Deputy Director for Experimental Affairs is responsible for all matters related to the system and methods of official examinations, i.e.:
  • elaboration and verification of the methods for DUS testing and VCU assessment,
  • elaboration of composition of the varieties intended for official examinations,
  • planning of testing and trials connected with DUS and VCU assessment and with varietal identity,
  • attestation of DUS and VCU assessment,
  • elaboration of DUS and VCU results as well as recommending of the registration suggestions on the variety release committees,
  • elaboration of the morphological and botanical descriptions for examined varieties,
  • substantial supervision of the Experimental Stations for Variety Testing,
  • co-operation with the Main Inspectorate of State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service in the range of identity of seed material sample assessment,
  • attestation of the testing results,
  • signalling of needs regarding equipment of the Experimental Stations for Variety Testing which safeguard proper realization of trials,
  • verifying of tasks realized by subordinated organizational divisions.
    DUS Testing Department
The main tasks of this Department are the following:
  • preparation of the national guidelines for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) tests and coordination of the official DUS testing,
  • elaboration of composition of varieties intended for the official DUS testing and ordering of the seed material for testing,
  • maintaining of the documentation connected with DUS testing and their estimation,
  • supervision over the experimental stations conducting DUS tests,
  • organization of the training courses for the experimental stations staff responsible for DUS testing,
  • elaboration of the morphological and botanical descriptions for examined varieties,
  • elaboration of the registration suggestions - on the basis of DUS testing results - on the variety release committees; attendance of the variety release committees in the scope of DUS,
  • co-operation with the Main Inspectorate of State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service (PIORIN) in the range of identity of the seed material sample assessment,
  • organization of the varietal identity assessment, commissioned by PIORIN,
  • preparation of the reports on technical examination with variety description,
  • co-operation with the breeders, breeding and seed production units as well as the scientific units in the field of DUS testing in Poland and abroad,
  • co-operation with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV),
  • co-operation with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO).
    VCU Assessment Department
The main tasks of this Department are the following:
  • planning, organization and carrying out of the VCU examination and assessment for varieties of agricultural plant species,
  • elaboration of the methodology for the official VCU examination, composition of the varieties intended for VCU assessment and disposal to additional tests,
  • control of the realization of already planned examinations and trials from the point of view of their conformity with the methodology,
  • proper documentation of the results from VCU examinations and trials,
  • elaboration of the examination results according to the requirements and accepted settlements,
  • elaboration of the periodical analysis related to assessment of progress in plant breeding,
  • publication of the examination and trials results in accordance with the valid settlements and COBORU publishing plan,
  • elaboration of the VCU characteristics for examined varieties,
  • elaboration of the registration suggestions – on the basis of VCU examination results - intended for the meetings of the variety release committees,
  • attendance of the variety release committees in the scope of VCU,
  • co-operation with the breeders, breeding and seed production units as well as the scientific units in the field of VCU examination in Poland and abroad,
  • co-operation with the foreign units dealing with variety assessment,
  • participation in the breeding inspection,
  • realization of the technical tasks connected with varieties examination and assessment; ordering of the seed material, disposal concerning sending of the seed material from trials to the laboratory analysis, analysing and signaling of needs regarding equipment of the Experimental Stations for Variety Testing which safeguard proper realization of trials.

VCU Assessment Department is divided into the following divisions:
  • Cereals
  • Root Crops
  • Industrial Crops
  • Herbage Legumes and Grasses
  • Position on Agricultural Meteorology
    Publishing Office
The Publishing Department is engaged in the editorial and technical elaboration of COBORU publications.
The main tasks of the Department are the following:
  • editorial and technical elaboration of the COBORU publications, including the Polish Gazette for Plant Breeders' Rights and National List as well as the Internet service,
  • preparation of the COBORU publication plan,
  • drafting and adjustment of the COBORU publications,
  • establishing of fees for authors,
  • distribution of the COBORU publications,
  • maintaining of the COBORU library, preservation of collection of books, purchase of books and magazines,
  • printing works connected with the COBORU publications.
    Deputy Director General for Administration and Economical Affairs
The Deputy Director for Economic and Administration Affairs is responsible for all matters related to the security of proper economic, technical and administrative conditions which are necessary to perform main COBORU tasks, i.e.:
  • security of the economic, technical and administrative conditions for proper course of testing and experimental works as well as production works in the structural units,
  • preparation of the COBORU financial plan,
  • preparation of the plan of division of resources necessary to carrying out of tests and trials,
  • planning of the capital expenditure,
  • COBORU administration matters as a whole, including protection of the buildings and assets,
  • planning and granting of the public orders,
  • organizational control and global supervision over the COBORU structural units,
  • approval of financial plans of the structural units,
  • administering the COBORU estate.
    Deputy Director General for Finance Affairs - Chief Accountant
Chief Accountant is responsible for all maters related to the financing of COBORU activities, on the basis of the Law on public finance, i.e.:
  • maintaining of the COBORU accountancy,
  • disposal of the financial means,
  • preliminary control of the conformity of economic operations and transactions with the financial plan,
  • preliminary control of the completeness and reliability of the documentation concerning economic operations and transactions,
  • preparation of the financial reports from the COBORU activities,
  • balancing of the COBORU and the summary balance of the structural units and presenting them for the director's approval,
  • supervision of the accountancy in the structural units,
  • planning of the COBORU income and expenditure,
  • organization of preparation, acceptance, circulation, keeping of archives and documents control, in the way securing proper progress of economic operations,
  • leading of the financial policy according to binding regulations,
  • analysis of utilization of the allocated budgetary resources,
  • executing of the functional control,
  • elaboration of the internal projects of regulations concerning the accountancy rules, particularly Corporate Chart of Accounts, circulation of financial documents, rules of performing the inventory etc.,
  • preparation of the COBORU staff salary list,
  • execution of calculations with the Social Insurance Institution and fiscal authorities,
  • keeping of the records and execution of fees for the national listing and PBR protection according to binding regulations,
  • counting and disposal of the authors' bonuses according to the Seed Act.
    Financial and Bookkeeping Office

Financial and Book-Keeping Division

The main tasks of the Division are the following:
  • maintaining of the COBORU accountancy according to the binding regulations,
  • current and proper book-keeping,
  • organization of preparation, acceptance, circulation, keeping of the archives and control of the financial and accountant documents,
  • preparation of the salary list, execution of calculations with the Social Insurance Institution and fiscal authorities,
  • analysis of the utilization of the allocated budgetary resources,
  • preparation of the financial and budgetary reports,
  • elaboration of the internal projects concerning provisions related to the accountancy maintaining.

Division of Fees

The main tasks of the Division are the following:
  • collecting and keeping a record of fees for:
    • submission of application for the Polish National List (NLI) and for granting of the national PBR protection,
    • official examinations,
    • addition of a variety to the NLI and grant of PBR protection,
    • submission of application for prolongation of a validity period of a variety acceptance in the NLI,
    • maintenance in NLI and PBR,
  • execution of above-mentioned fees.