Conservation variety (variety for conservation of biodiversity) - means a landrace or a variety of agricultural and vegetable plants, naturally adapted to the local and regional conditions and threatened by genetic erosion.
Amateur variety (variety developed for growing under particular conditions) means a variety of vegetable plant with no intrinsic value for commercial crop production, but presenting an interest for the conservation of biodiversity.
A conservation variety or amateur variety is accepted to the Polish National List, on the maintainer's application, if:
- it presents an interest in "region of origin", in which it has historically been grown and to which it is naturally adapted - it refers to conservation varieties only
- it is distinct, uniform and stable
- its maintainer submitted a suitable denomination
- it is is maintained in a given region of origin - it refers to conservation varieties only
- it is not listed in the national list or in the common catalogue as the variety other than a conservation variety or amateur variety
- it was deleted from a national list or from the common catalogue at least 2 years before the application date or the expiry date of the period, in which the marketing was permitted, i.e. till 30th June of the third year following a variety deletion
- it is not protected neither by national nor by Community plant variety right (including provisional protection)
Application for acceptance of a conservation variety or variety developed for growing under particular conditions (amateur variety) to the Polish National List (NLI):
form - .doc format
To the application should be attached the decision of the Minister of Agriculture on recognizing of :
- a conservation variety as a variety presenting an interest in given region of origin
- a variety developed for growing under particular conditions as a variety with no intrinsic value for commercial crop production
Time limits for filing applications
In case of conservation and amateur varieties there is no charge.